IAM 41st Convention

Gavel Information
Congratulations to the makers of the gavels that are playing a crucial role in the IAM Grand Lodge Convention in New York City. Machinists members, who made the gavels, are from IAM Local S6 and S7 in Bath, ME, IAM LOCAL 175 in York, PA, IAM Local 1943 in Middletown, OH and the William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center.
September 1st to the 7th, in New York City, New York.
Over 1200 delegates were present with record number of sisters in attendance, at almost 300. The convention had many speakers-
An evening event on the USS Intrepid, also known as The Fighting “I”, is one of 24 Essex-class aircraft carriers built during World War II for the United States Navy.
Many resolutions were passed and several amendments to our union constitution were made.
From Women’s rights resolutions to health and safety rights and acknowledgment of our siblings in the LGBTQ2SA+ community
With one of the biggest changes- the rebranding of the IAM. While the historic gear and international associate of machinists and aerospace workers is not going anywhere, we will now be recognized as the IAM Union. Each sector would be IAM Healthcare, IAM Railway, IAM Hospitality, etc. The reason for this change is to include ALL the sectors the IAM supports.
The Canadian delegation was very involved in the resolutions and amendments- many members went to the mics to ensure our Canadian voices were heard. There were also many Canadians on the different committees helping create a plan and direction for our union to follow over the next 4 years until the 42nd Convention that will be held in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Various fundraising efforts happened over the entire week with donations going to the Guide Dogs of America, IAM Veterans, CMPL, and MNPL